Quality and environment policy

Quality and Environment Policy

The Management of CEGADRONE Within the framework of activities are aerial inspections through unmanned platforms; rescue, people search and firefighting; security; and development of training actions for pilots in UAS, aware of the need in the current market to offer reliable guarantees of quality in the services offered, has considered quality as one of its top priorities in providing them.

Because quality is the basic premise on which the structure of our organization is based, the decision by the Management to adopt a certified Integrated Management System based on the UNE-EN-ISO 9001: 2015 and UNE- EN ISO 14001: 2015, as a public recognition of a standardized quality standard, is but one more step in its firm vocation to offer the highest quality guarantees to our services.

From this perspective, the Management in its commitment to continuous improvement, customer satisfaction and the implementation, monitoring, maintenance and compliance with the requirements of the Integrated Management System, defines, promulgates and ensures that the Integrated Management Policy it is appropriate to the context of the organization and stakeholders, supports its strategic direction, is communicated and understood within it, and provides a framework for setting and reviewing Management Objectives.

For all these reasons, the Management of CEGADRONE, promotes:

  • Ensure the highest professionalism during the project’s execution, from data collection to final delivery reports, without skimping on resources or efforts to achieve HIGHER QUALITY.
  • There is a COMMITMENT OF THE MANAGEMENT to promote the Policy Quality and Environment System, implemented in the company. Setting goals and guaranteeing resources.
  • We seek CUSTOMER SATISFACTION, internal and external. Asking our clients what they look for and satisfy their needs. Thinking that someone receives our work and strive to receive it in the best possible way.
  • The Management undertakes to PERIODICALLY REVIEW the Integrated Management System, verifying its effectiveness and degree of compliance.
  • The identification and knowledge of the KEY PROCESSES is the necessary way to advance the Organization’s orientation towards said processes.
  • Focus work on OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCY, always trying to do each and every task better, periodically comparing our efficiency with our competitors.
  • PEOPLE ARE KEY TO SUCCESS, using their knowledge as a driving force for day-to-day efficiency and detection of improvements. Training people so that they can carry out their tasks with the greatest efficiency and minimum effort, keeping in mind the care of Quality and environment.
  • Implement the USE OF THE LATEST TECHNOLOGIES to facilitate productivity in each task and thus obtain better results and more satisfied staff.
  • Apply CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT to be more competitive and adapt to the constant changes in the market. Continuously research to improve before others. Make small improvements on a daily basis and detect big improvements to implement them. All this with the backing of the directive.
  • CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT of the management system to improve environmental performance.
  • Maintaining RESPECT FOR THE ENVIRONMENT in all activities, potentially polluting, through sustainable production, applying continuous improvement to Environmental Management.
  • Commitment to PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT, sustainable use of resources, adaptation and mitigation to climate change.

Signed: Co-Founder and CEO

Madrid, September 14, 2018